A well developed and well executed public relations program can do wonders in helping to develop and drive sales. Here are six ways:
- Earn credibility. The big difference between public relations and advertising is that PR takes a lot more effort. It is often referred to in the marketing industry as “earned media.” Nielsen’s 2015 Trust in Advertising report shows that people trust earned media (i.e. editorial articles and posts) and owned content (i.e. social media) more than any other formats. The dynamic partnership between these two elements plays an important role in understanding and realizing sales growth.
- Generate interest. A successful new product or service launch for your target audience will help develop and stimulate interest. It will also serve as a platform for introducing your brand to new audiences. Successfully breaking through the enormous clutter of available information to the average consumer is overwhelming and sometimes confusing. Working with the media to convey your brand’s message and values so that interest in piqued, is the job of a good public relations agency.
- Educate prospects. A well executed public relations program can not only help to educate consumers about your products and services, but it can also influence potential shareholders and business partners. The more they read, see, and hear about your brand, the more engaged and excited they will become.
- Create a buzz. What makes a good public relations campaign is its ability to create buzz through both traditional and new media outreach–earned, owned, and purchased outlets. By connecting them all, a client soon realizes the value of a well integrated marketing plan.
- Door opener. OK, which would you find more credible: Receiving a link to a sales pdf or a recent news article? This should be a no-brainer. The more newsworthy a company or brand is, the more likely an audience will find it more believable,important, and credible. That’s the power of public relations.
- Good content is recyclable. Good content, whether it be for a blog, social media site, or a press release, should be recycled and reused time and time again. After all, what are you paying a good PR agency for, if not to have them create content you can recycle? It’s not only time efficient, but also cost efficient. It’s a way of getting more bang for your buck.