Tag: business

How to Prepare for a Crisis

A crisis can happen at any moment. Most often, it happens when you are least prepared.  And when it does happen, there is no such thing as a small crisis.  In today’s environment things can go wrong when least expected. Your CEO is accused of financial misconduct, your employee is accused of harassment, your product has a manufacturing […]

Interview Meet

Maecenas eget orci in purus placerat volutpat sit amet id leo. Pellentesque ultricies turpis sed urna dictum cursus. Cras efficitur est risus, faucibus pretium metus sodales nec. Aenean suscipit eget sapien et dapibus. In vulputate erat purus, id semper diam viverra nec. Nam ullamcorper suscipit viverra. Ut efficitur posuere risus, sit amet maximus quam euismod […]

Coffee Time

Cras gravida suscipit sapien sed auctor. Mauris in luctus ante. Suspendisse non ullamcorper ligula. Suspendisse potenti. Maecenas molestie nisl imperdiet convallis porttitor. Vestibulum blandit elementum finibus. Cras aliquam lectus arcu, id scelerisque nibh mollis vitae. Nulla elementum diam id pretium imperdiet. Fusce sit amet accumsan dolor.

5 Qualities of the Best PR Interns

      I always said that I could tell a good PR person within minutes of meeting him/her. And the more that I have worked in the business, the more I see that it is not necessarily age and experience that are the best qualities,but often it is their native ability. Recently I had attended a […]

5 Qualities of a Good PR Client

A bad public relations agency client is like a really bad meal—miserable but not life-threatening. Still, it’s good to avoid them a much as possible. And the best way to do that is to know what qualities to look for in a good client/agency relationship. So I present, shop 5 Qualities of a Good PR Client. […]

7 Questions to Ask Before Choosing a Public Relations Agency

A successful PR campaign can help to grow your business and gain awareness of your company. When considering a PR agency to hire, ask there are a few questions you want to ask to make sure they are a fit for you. Here is a list of 7 questions that you should ask before choosing […]