Author: tjsacks

5 PR Skills My Cat Taught Me

I’ve been living with cats for most of my adult life and let me tell you, they are the leaders of the house and sometimes of my life. The first year that Johnny, my current 13-year-old cat, lived with me, I hardly knew he existed. He hid from me, played hard-to-get, and, quite frankly, I […]

Interview Meet

Maecenas eget orci in purus placerat volutpat sit amet id leo. Pellentesque ultricies turpis sed urna dictum cursus. Cras efficitur est risus, faucibus pretium metus sodales nec. Aenean suscipit eget sapien et dapibus. In vulputate erat purus, id semper diam viverra nec. Nam ullamcorper suscipit viverra. Ut efficitur posuere risus, sit amet maximus quam euismod […]

Business News

Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Etiam justo ipsum, mattis sit amet suscipit et, euismod quis tortor. Morbi iaculis quam eget dui dapibus dapibus. Cras rutrum quam lorem, ut ultricies odio luctus quis. Mauris iaculis magna lectus, eget […]

Coffee Time

Cras gravida suscipit sapien sed auctor. Mauris in luctus ante. Suspendisse non ullamcorper ligula. Suspendisse potenti. Maecenas molestie nisl imperdiet convallis porttitor. Vestibulum blandit elementum finibus. Cras aliquam lectus arcu, id scelerisque nibh mollis vitae. Nulla elementum diam id pretium imperdiet. Fusce sit amet accumsan dolor.

Woman Meeting

Quisque et dolor sit amet purus dictum finibus in ac dui. Sed ullamcorper porttitor tellus cursus facilisis. Mauris placerat imperdiet consequat. Morbi bibendum eros nisl, sit amet blandit dolor porta sed. Proin lacinia malesuada fermentum. Vestibulum vulputate porttitor fringilla. Donec nibh diam, hendrerit quis ligula a, congue gravida sem. Pellentesque ut aliquet lorem, at dignissim […]

Official Meet

Duis eget ex non metus ornare lacinia. Nulla tempus nec erat a accumsan. In euismod at diam sit amet finibus. Integer commodo sollicitudin augue id finibus. Nullam vitae maximus velit, non finibus metus. Nullam egestas ac mi ac condimentum. Mauris volutpat laoreet dui eu blandit. Morbi tortor felis, ultrices ut posuere et, dictum eget ex. […]

5 PR Tips My Dog Taught Me

Three years ago I rescued an eight year old black lab named Leo—and as the adage says, he rescued me right back.  He was a 65 pound anxious wrecking ball who, when briefly left alone, ate my desk chair, raided my walk-in closet, and brought out and destroyed all my stored paper products. After the […]

6 Ways PR Helps Drive Sales

A well developed and well executed public relations program can do wonders in helping to develop and drive sales. Here are six ways:  Earn credibility. The big difference between public relations and advertising is that PR takes a lot more effort. It is often referred to in the marketing industry as “earned media.” Nielsen’s 2015 […]

6 PR Tips That Help Build a Brand

Building your brand and maintaining its presence is a full-time job. Sometimes this job can be handled internally, but other times, the best solution can come from an external public relations agency. Here are 6 PR tips that help build a brand: Public relations. As a demand-generation tool, nothing beats a well crafted and strategically implemented public […]

What My Mother Told Me Relates to Your PR Image

I remember when I was a kid my mother telling me, pharm “Don’t sign your name to anything that you wouldn’t be afraid of appearing one day on the front page of the New York Times.” How true these words of wisdom were. Today, with the advent of the internet, it seems that everyone is […]