5 Things to Be Grateful for This Year

Though things may have not turned out the way you had hoped, we all have something to be grateful for this year. We’re here to help you remember that life ain’t all bad. Here are five things we should all be grateful for in our professional and social lives: 1. Communication. Try to think back to […]

7 Ways to Define Public Relations

For an industry that does so much to help define its clients and industry,  it is an unfortunate turn of events that public relations has such a vague understanding among many audiences. When I first told my parents I had entered into the field of public relations, they went around telling everyone that their daughter made it […]

5 Tips to Manage Your Online Reputation

Here’s a great “geek joke”: Where do you hide a dead body? Answer: On the third page of Google results. I always tell young employees to be careful with what they post on social media because it may come back to bite them in the ass. Whether it’s partying at a frat house with a beer […]

A Big Idea Can Come From Odd Places

So, you are challenged with coming up with the proverbial Big Idea for a new public relations campaign. Where to start? How to begin? Well, I for one have always fallen upon a Big Idea in the most unremarkable places. Sometimes I find that if I leave the tumult of the office behind, and remove […]

6 Tips: How to Interview for a Public Relations Agency

So,you got yourself that interview with a public relations agency. Here are some tips on how to prepare for your interview: Review their website. I can’t stress enough the importance of being familiar with the agency, its philosophy,  client categories, client list, and work samples. This information will help you discern whether this is the place for […]

Reading a PR Client’s Mind

How many times have you wished you could read your client’s mind? Or even better, read the mind of the prospective client? I remember pitching a cruise ship line several years ago. They called me because I had previously worked with another cruise ship company. After the preliminary niceties, it was decided that I would fly out […]

5 PR Skills My Cat Taught Me

I’ve been living with cats for most of my adult life and let me tell you, they are the leaders of the house and sometimes of my life. The first year that Johnny, my current 13-year-old cat, lived with me, I hardly knew he existed. He hid from me, played hard-to-get, and, quite frankly, I […]

Interview Meet

Maecenas eget orci in purus placerat volutpat sit amet id leo. Pellentesque ultricies turpis sed urna dictum cursus. Cras efficitur est risus, faucibus pretium metus sodales nec. Aenean suscipit eget sapien et dapibus. In vulputate erat purus, id semper diam viverra nec. Nam ullamcorper suscipit viverra. Ut efficitur posuere risus, sit amet maximus quam euismod […]

Business News

Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Etiam justo ipsum, mattis sit amet suscipit et, euismod quis tortor. Morbi iaculis quam eget dui dapibus dapibus. Cras rutrum quam lorem, ut ultricies odio luctus quis. Mauris iaculis magna lectus, eget […]

Coffee Time

Cras gravida suscipit sapien sed auctor. Mauris in luctus ante. Suspendisse non ullamcorper ligula. Suspendisse potenti. Maecenas molestie nisl imperdiet convallis porttitor. Vestibulum blandit elementum finibus. Cras aliquam lectus arcu, id scelerisque nibh mollis vitae. Nulla elementum diam id pretium imperdiet. Fusce sit amet accumsan dolor.